5 Simple Elements You Don’t Want to Leave Out of Your Resume

How To Write A Resume

You know that when you write your resume, you need to include your name, contact information, educational background and work history. However, sometimes the little things will help your resume stand out from the rest. If you want to be noticed, get the interview and maybe even the job, do not forget to add these five important things to your resume.

  • Keywords – Do not go overboard; however, adding a few, relevant keywords can be the difference between getting the interview and not getting a second glance. Think about your skills and consider the best “keyword friendly” ways to state them in your resume. Keywords can be the “key” to getting your resume past the computerized applicant systems.
  • LinkedIn URL – Today, LinkedIn is a major player in the social media scene and is especially relevant for job seekers. You can use your LinkedIn profile to highlight additional information about yourself that does not fit on the resume (hobbies, volunteer work, etc.) and show potential employers more about you as a “real” person too. In addition, if you have not already begun working on the site, you will find it is a beneficial way to network while on job-hunting too.
  • Results – Instead of simply stating the positions you have held in the past, make sure you focus on the results. Tell potential employers how you made a difference in former positions (or during internship). Provide solid numbers and evidence when possible. This will give an employer a better idea of what they can expect from you too.
  • Links – Providing links to previous work is nearly always a good thing. Consider putting together an online portfolio to make it easier for employers to check out your work.
  • Personality – In your effort to make your resume impressive, do not forget to add a little something extra to make it memorable. You do not want to go overboard, of course, but a few personal touches are usually a good thing. This may also be something you want to adjust on a case by case basis—depending on the overall feel of the organization to which you are applying.

When you include these little extras to your resume, you will stand out from the other applicants. Taking a little extra time and putting in the effort can pay off in an enormous way when it comes to speeding up your job hunt!

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